It is time to keep equipped with up to date features.
Keep track of Overtime, at a glance.
using simple & effective bar charts, Management can see real-time how many hours any employee has worked. Foreman can see if any members of their crew are on overtime and exactly how many hours they have worked.
Any device, anytime.
Use Time-Keeping with any web-connected device; Apple phones, Android phones, Tablets, or PC.
Quickbooks® ONLINE Integration
Export hours directly to your company's Quickbooks® Online account for payroll.
Simple Employee Onboarding
Simply share & click a link to your company account to get started. This will add the App to the Home-screen on their mobile device. No worrying about installing apps or managing outdated versions!
Efficient Employee Pin-code Login; It remembers the employee between sessions so they do not have to login on their own device every time!
Click “ENTER TIME” to report time to a Job & Task. If you prefer, Employees can report their own time, OR; Foreman can review, approve, or enter time for their entire crew!